Wednesday, July 24, 2013

The List

1. Go Paddle Boarding
2. Try an oyster 
3. Attend a real party
4. Go to a concert   August 30, 2013
5. Go to at least five hockey games during hockey season (0/5) 
6. Go kayaking with a friend
7. See five scary movies (0/5)
8. Go to a drive-in movie theater
9. Give three friends rides to places they need to go(0/3)
10. Visit NYC
11. Go 3 weeks without using a straightener 
12. Paint a picture to hang in the house
13. Work at a restaurant for at least 4 months
14. Choose water instead of lemonade at least five times (0/5)
15. Take a photography class
16. Go 1 month without fast food
17. Go without make-up for 7 days straight
18. Have a beach day with fellow Junior ROTC cadets
19. Play mini golf with a group of friends
20. Make a cross to hang up in the house
21. Get all A's for at least one quarter
22. Go on a random road trip to a new place
23. Go golfing with grandparents
24. Go to church every Sunday for a month
25. Watch a full high school football game
26. Become friends with three new people (0/3) July 26, 2013
27. Give someone a haircut
28. Bake four birthday cakes instead of buying them (0/4)
29. Take a picture every day for a month
30. Go on a real date
31. Take a new family photo
32. Clean out closet
33. Donate a bag of things to charity
34. Be able to do 35 push-ups
35. Graduate with at least a 4.0
36. Be able to do 45 squats
37. Get a flat stomach
38. Save $200 for gas for the car
39. Get a haircut
40. Draw a picture every day for 7 days
41. Go to a museum
42. Go star gazing
43. Learn how to change a tire
44. Go to a farmer's market
45. Get 2 new vinyl records
46. Make a bracelet
47. Record a YouTube video that has a chance of becoming popular
48. Visit a garage sale
49. Get a date to prom
50. Go to prom
51. Write a letter to a family member
52. Write a letter to a friend
53. Go to bivouac
54. Go ice skating
55. Don't drink soda for two weeks
56. Clean the whole house
57. Wash the car five times (0/5)
58.  Go watch sunset three times, a different beach each time (0/3) 
59. Go watch bull riding at the Germain Arena
60. Make two no-sew blankets with mom (0/2)
61. Make five things off of Pinterest (0/5)
62. Bring the dog to a doggy beach
63. Make a root beer float
64. Make the perfect homemade pizza
65. Go to homecoming with a group of girls
66. Start getting up early a week before school starts
67. Drive through a drive-thru
68. Learn how to cook one Hungarian recipe
69. Learn how to cook one Italian recipe 
70. Learn how to make mom's banana pudding dessert 
71. Call dad on a random day ten times (0/10) 
72. Learn how to cook dad's favorite meal
73. Clean out hope chest
74. Replace one short dress or skirt with a longer one (modest is hottest)
75. Learn how to make three of mom's favorite recipes
76. Become a better singer 
77. Buy three new casual dresses (0/3)
78. Go fishing with aunt and uncle
79. Turn off phone for a whole day 
80. Organize food pantry
81. Run 10 minutes every day for 7 days
82. Stay in a hotel with a couple of friends 
83. Read a book series 
84. Go to Busch Gardens
85. Take the dog on a 30 minute walk
86. Buy a pair of Ray Ban sunglasses 
87. Learn how to dance 
88. Get a new lens for the camera 
89. Get a debit card
90. Get my license 
91. Help someone break a bad habit 
92. Follow through with my new year's resolution 
93. Give something up for lent 
94. Get up at 6am on a weekend, and go for a morning walk
95. Go to a stock car race
96. Babysit for the neighbors
97. Try 5 new restaurants (0/5)
98. Take a trip to the zoo
99. Get someone to do the 99 in 999 challenge 

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